What's been happening

A lidded bottle decorated with shino glaze and paper resist

It’s been a funny few months. A lot has happened since February.

I’ve played with a shino glaze on bottles; trying sgraffito and inlay with it again. My first attempts didn’t quiet work but I learnt a lot from them. The new pieces have turned out really well. I’ve been playing with the proportions and curve of the form too. Subtle differences can make a big different to the overall look of a piece. The subtlety of the glaze works really well with the striking graphic pattern, especially with the paper resist pieces. They are my favourite.

I haven’t been doing very much throwing lately as I’ve been back at work and teaching at Salisbury Arts Centre. Most of my making has been demonstrating to students. It’s nice getting my hands covered in clay, even if only for a few minutes at a time. We started teaching our Youth and Children’s classes a few weeks ago. It’s so nice seeing what they make and hearing their conversations. It’s the best end to my working week. Our adult classes started back this week too and it’s been all go all week.

After two years of making at Julie Ayton’s pottery, she’s finally kicking me out. I had an amazing time there and with Julie’s support, encouragement and critics, I’ve developed a range of pots that I’m proud of. I’m not going far and will be making from the Arts Centre Pottery for the next few months, until my job ends in the autumn. I’m still thinking about what’s going to happen after that.

In the meantime, it’s Julie’s Midsummer Open Studio this weekend and we’ll be getting the pottery ready this week; arranging the spaces, putting out pots, cleaning the yard and putting up the bunting. There’ll be colourful and elegant pots, lucious baskets and imaginative prints and artist’s books. I’m really looking forward to see old customers again, catching up with them after so long and hopefully meeting some new ones too. If you’re in the area, make sure to pop in and say hello.